Hape (rapé) has become quite a popular product in esoteric and spiritual circles; it can be purchased in stores, at spiritual festival markets, and ordered online.
Advertisements are filled with the popular names Yawanawa, Huni Kuin, Katukina, and Kashinava. The common customer gets the impression that in different stores he buys the same kind of medicine under the same name, like Coca-Cola, where the only difference from store to store is the price. In fact, it’s a little different, and not even a little different, but very different.
To begin with, what is hape (rapé) (rapé) in the classic sense of the word. hape (rapé) is tobacco ground into dust and ashes of the Pau Pareiro palm, which is often referred to as tsusu. It is this combination as understood by the Yavanawa Indians that is called hape (rapé). Other tribes also use some other plants to supplement tobacco, such as Murichi, Mulateiro, Mint, Cacao, Parika, and others. These plants can be used as ashes or in ground form.
There are many recipes and it differs from tribe to tribe, as well as from different people of the same tribe. And here we should put special emphasis on the personality and qualities of the person who makes hape (rapé), as the energy of the person and the prayers with which it was made, part of this medicine. There are about 1,500 people in the Yavanava Tribe, 15,000 in Kashinava (Huni Kuin), buying a hape (rapé) with the name Kashinava in a store is not at all clear who made this medicine, what qualities of this person, what its use will bring. Often many stores resell hape (rapé) bought in other stores, absolutely without realizing that besides its physical properties hape (rapé) carries the energy of the person who made it, completely irresponsible reselling medicine of unknown origin. Ask yourself who made the Yawanawa hape (rapé) that you are buying.
Another thing to pay attention to is selling jape in millilitres; quite often we have to explain that the volume and weight of the product are different things, and 10 millilitres does not equal 10 grams. You do not buy sugar in a store by a liter! Why, because the density of sugar due to the size of the particles can have different densities, accordingly the mass can differ significantly. It is the same with hape (rapé), in addition, if you tap a package of hape (rapé), it compacts and shrinks, if you shake it greatly increases in volume. So, the volume of 5 grams of hape (rapé) can be either 7 or 10 millilitres. So how much is real in your jar of hape (rapé) that you bought by volume and not by weight? The stated 40 millilitres will most likely be 20 grams. If you don’t believe me, weigh it without the package!
You may get the impression that we are trying to talk you out of buying medicine from other stores. In fact, it’s not, it’s just that in the absence of a culture and tradition of using this medicine, some people are trying to make money off of a hype product, themselves not understanding what and how they’re selling, creating confusion among customers. We’re just trying to make it a little clearer.